If you have been listening in or reading this site for very long you know I love the steampunk  aesthetic but even more than that I love clockwork devices. The beauty, the  symmetry  and the precision required to create a functional timepiece that goes beyond most tech. Yes computers are intricate but their  beauty  is in programming. The  beauty  of a well machines or crafted clock goes beyond that. Is it something about the craftsmanship and skill required, I’m not sure. But either way I’d love to be able to make one some day.

Conner Boyle has made it that much easier to do so. On his website he has wooden clock plans for sale, the design is his and the skill needs to be yours. Someday I’ll give it a go when I can devote the time and the resources needed to build one. In  case  that describes you head on over to his website and try your hand. If you happen to be good enough to do it, there are “Master” level clocks, in a place he calls Masochist’s Corner,  that the only way he’ll sell you the plans is if you send him a picture of one of his simpler clocks or  sculptures  completed. Amazing stuff. Hit after the jump to see a video of one of the clocks in motion.

Why would a Talented woodworker like him share these gorgeous plans? Well I’ll let him explain

Selling plans for the clocks on this page goes against my basic philosophy of trying to spread joy in the world through creative woodworking. However, I have come to the conclusion that I should not stand in the way of a woodworker’s desire for additional frustration in his/her life when they obviously want it so badly.
