by Steve Robbins | Design, GameRoom, News
Since the beginning of the Super Mario Bros. franchise, which began in 1983, there hasn’t been any kind of complaints about any of the game content in the series. Personally, I wouldn’t think there would be. Well, I guess I was wrong. PETA, People for...
by Steve Robbins | GameRoom
If you don’t know, I am quite the Legend of Zelda fan. So when I saw this video, one question came to mind. What the heck is a marimba. After a few google searches I found the answer. As for how it sounds, I think it is beautiful. Especially when it plays any...
by Steve Robbins | Design, GameRoom
As a big fan of the Legend of Zelda franchise, I know that whenever Nintendo wants to celebrate one of the releases, something always turns into gold. The original Nintendo had the gold cartridge, Gameboy had the gold handheld GameBoy, N64 had the gold console with a...