by Paul Muller | Design, Food n Coffee, Geek
We here at the CaffiNation love us some robotic fun. But how cool would it be to throw a little locomotion into your Sodium and Pepper needs? A little NaCl waddling across the table is just good old fashioned fun if you ask me. Only problem is the price, $24.99 for...
by Paul Muller | Design, Food n Coffee
A collection of off the wall Sculptures and food based art. My personal favorite is the Pepper Skull above. and the Scallion Mantis below. Have you seen any other awesome food art? I myself have been known to dabble in carving, Apples, Pumpkins ect. Its almost...
by Paul Muller | Food n Coffee
Nothing ruins a good grill off like stolen meat. We can all now thank ThinkGeek for making available a meat naming tool. this isn’t like the other brands you have seen, you know for cows, or whatnot. this is the letter press of meat brands… Meatpress?...
by Paul Muller | Food n Coffee
I’m not sure if i have too much to say about this… Its a Meat teacup… I’ll just leave this hear and you can consider it. Overall i do have to say the structure is fantastic and it actually looks like it could hold some serious...