Security Tools Rundown

Security Tools Rundown

As any good kid from the 80’s will tell you “Knowing is half the battle” and G.I. Joe wasn’t far off in their assessment of value. Knowing is indeed paramount to success of any venture. But it is knowing where to go for the information that...
Form over Function Friday: Old Hickory

Form over Function Friday: Old Hickory

Today’s Form over function is a first. A wallpaper dedicated to a machine. At Temple University we recently got rid of our oldest and most well worn Plotter, 4 foot wide printer, the machines was 7 years old, I have personally rebuilt many of its internal...


Greetings, Returning home from work today i had every intenton of starting the show right on time at roughly 10PM. However my body had other plans for me, and i think i should listen. I wasn’t feeling 100% all day something seemed just a bit off, without getting...

Adopt a Newb Day 2008 Primer

Thats it Folks, Today is the Adopt a Newb Celebration 2008. Here is a short primer for what today is supposed to be. Each one of us no matter the level of your technological skill has someone to thank for help along the way. Today is the day I have been pushing and...
Second Life CaffieNated

Second Life CaffieNated

I just barely got a handle on the first life and now people are telling me I need to experiance the second one? Come on. I am very late to the party here, But the place where i work has an island in second life, so I owe it too myself to fiddle with the program to the...