I now give way to my good friend Scott, from Don’t You Hate it When #DYHIW and his wonderful guest review of the Kuerig Vue!
Scott is good people, and has an awesome endeavor of his own. He runs a series of videos and a site dedicated to that exasperated feeling you get when something just doesn’t quite go your way. Check out Scott on Twitter and his Alter ego DYHIW.
Thanks Scott
Scott’s Full Web Series is HERE To get featured with your own frustrations simply tweet them out and drop the hastag. #DYHIW to get your frustration shared out.
“Shared Pain is lessened Shared Joy increased ” ~Spider Robinson
Thanks Paul for the ability to do this… It was very different from my “normal” videos and a welcomed change of pace… Maybe as more and more things become available for the Vue, I’ll do this again for you and your Caffination audience.
Looks to me like a mentally challenged person was also learning his new Vue machine, as he was talking. He proved that intellect is NOT required to do reviews; and this review was a joke.
A fairer comparison would have been the Vue vs. the Platinum. But; I guess that the local Dollar store was out of Keurig Platinums, that day.
In a scale from 1 – 10, I give this review –
It needs to go up 27 pegs, just to hit zero.
I have had a VUE for the past 2 weeks; and there is so very much that this mental midget moron has not even thought about discussing.
Too bad; as the Vue is a phenomenal brewer.
Have a GREAT day . . .
Dearest Articulate Guest,
While i thank you for taking the time to comment I take issue with your tone. There are better ways to sum up the same points without going to the lengths you did. Dash reviewed the two units he had on hand, he didn’t head out to buy the full product line, so there may be other better suited models for the rundown but you go about this all wrong. Perhaps pointing out that the other comparison might have been better would have been fine. no worries.
If you find the review long then perhaps a suggestion to tighten it up.
If you take issue with the products selected feel free to mention it.
I know this is the internet and it can be fun to rag on the work of others from behind a keyboard. But Dash took the time to try a review out. and for a first shot at an area that isn’t his forte I think he did a pretty good job. So will I invite you to come back and comment as much as you’d like I’d much rather see a civil tone and perhaps some constructive critique from you. Thanks again for stopping by
Also if you would care to throw up a video rundown I’d love to see it
Dear Articulate Guest…
I do apologize if I didn’t do this review/comparison to your liking. This was the first time I did something like this. (Which I will add in the description of the video) I assure you if you would offer some constructive criticism I would GLADLY do this over for you if you would like.
How about this… you film and edit the review the way you would like it to have been explained and I’ll feature it on my channel (www.youtube.com/dashtc) for a month and every video I put up (1-2 a week totally unrelated to coffee) I’ll mention your video and I’ll even plug something for you too, if you’re brave enough to follow through.
I am a rookie and am a rather small fish in the sea when it comes to YouTube and especially with things like this. So, I ask you to have mercy on me and as opposed to just flat out saying I scored a -28 on a scale of 1 to 10, let me know what I could have done better.
Also, as Paul pointed out I was really only comparing the 2 machines I owned, and as stated I have only had the machine about a week. So Yes I’m still learning.
You seem to indeed be Articulate, But can’t we all behind the internet…
Kindest Regards,
First – Mr. Miller – Since I left the broadcast industry, some 11 years ago, I no longer do any production work. I never ever have done a YouTube video; although I own 1080P equipment. There’s really nothing to motivate me to share for free what I used to get paid half-way decently to do. I learned that if one gives something away for free that it has no intrinsic value, whatsoever.
The VUE is a phenomenal machine; that just as Dash seems to be learning, as he produces his video, I also am still learning all the “bells and whistles”; and, even if I were ever to consider doing a video review (NEVER GONNA HAPPEN), I would wait until I was knowledgeable enough to at least convey the perception that I knew what I was talking about; and I wouldn’t sound surprised, as I did this or that, in front of a camera.
Dash – I’m 61 years old; and in my career, I learned to NEVER hide behind anything. IF you want to confront me, since I am not (as you labeled it) “hiding”, you may feel free to call me at {Redacted by Site Owner}
As far as my critique on your review, I simply calls-em-as-I-sees-em; and in my opinion, your video needed about 5 gallons of polish.
BUT, that’s merely my opinion; and you know what they say about opinions – That just like buttholes (cleaned up phrase), everyone has one and some of them stink.
IF you’re happy with the image that you conveyed in your production, then, my “opinion” is as irrelevant to you, as yours was to me. But, once you learn enough to look like you know what you’re talking about, you might wish to do a revisional upgrade; and when you do, I would love to see it.
AND, in conclusion, I see no justification in continuing this trivial banter; so, you both have a GREAT day. It’s been real.
Thanks once again for stopping by to comment.
I love back and forth, whether or not we ever agree on anything. My name is Muller by the by, not Miller. A simple and common error. Just as an FYI I redacted your phone number and will submit it to Dash directly should he wish to contact you. No need for telemarketers to pester you. They simply love freely posted phone numbers.
My only real problem was the tone you used in your critique. But you are entitled to you opinion, It would just seem to me that there are better ways of expressing it.
The other thing about the newest comment which struck me as odd was the line ” I learned that if one gives something away for free that it has no intrinsic value, whatsoever.” I have been creating content for this site for over 6 years, most of it has been unpaid, the intrinsic value of creating something for free is sharing information, it’s increasing the greater understanding of different topics. Is everything I have created for this site awesome? Hardly, in fact the early episodes are downright awful. But the experience gained in creating them was invaluable. If I spent time crafting and perfecting each episode, polishing it instead of getting it out the door I wouldn’t have very many episodes produced. As of today there are over 530 episodes, most longer than a half hour, and while they are all not gems I would like to think that they are good at this point. Thanks again for your comments and I hope to see you around the site / community.
Dear Articulate Guest…
I must admit you are in fact very articulate. H/T
I really hate to belabor the point but this was my FIRST attempt at doing something like this. I was home, about to make a cup of coffee and thought about pulling out the video camera. I simply asked Paul if he could/would like a review and that was it.
Just as Paul stated we all have to start somewhere and I accept criticism and critique. (If I couldn’t I wouldn’t have put this up for all to see) While I accept and welcome both. I again ask you to tell me more of what you would like to have seen, in the event I try this again.
I am just me, when you were in the broadcast industry, I’m sure you had a team of educated (in the field of broadcasting) persons with and behind you. I don’t, so I need to take comments and grow from other people’s opinions.
I could go on and on… at length. I do have your # and if you would allow me to call you again to pic your brain I would appreciate it. If you would be so kind as to tell me a good time to call I will.