Here at the CaffiNation we try to stay abreast of the best and brightest stories and the most informative sites so that we can deliver to you a content and hot and steaming as you rightfully deserve. But from time to time we require, renewal. We see the need to feel a fresh breeze blow up our collective pant leg every now and then.
So why then on earth would we share these hot and spicy sources with you? Are we mad, are we plotting our own demise? Have we lost our edge? Slightly, Hardly, and nope. Information want to be free, it is the nature of the internet to spread cheer around for the collective mind. (hive mind?) Hopefully for every juicy bit we throw down, for every succulent byte we dish out more we get delivered.
That being said there are several site I read on a regular basis, for business reasons, for personal reasons, and for no reason. One of the most popular sites in my feed reader is Guy Kawasaki’s Blog. He is a well known in the blogosphere and has wonderful tastes when it comes to recommending sites. So when Trendhunter came across the RSS feed the other day I was hooked. Guy threw down a set of humorous and awesome links he had spotted from the site, such as the inflatable church. Who wouldn’t love that? So it is with no small amount of aplomb that we present the newest regular source of information for the show. Thanks Guy this was an awesome find.
And now for something completely different