
Playing it fast and loose with technology and coffee news

Every once in a while I get a bit down in the dumps about the site, or about the feedback. It didn’t last long this time. I had a friend start asking me about his website and how to get it up and running a half hour later when i realized I’d been talking that long I sort of figured out I know a heck fo a lot more than i give myself credit for. And most of it has been because the fine readers and listeners at The CaffiNation have allowed me to play around with minor details of the show and the site without too many fires and riots. It’s been a great ride.

Back on point and a bit  disjointed. There are plenty of off the wall crazy stories to tell for this week, so the challenge is going to be keeping the spice flowing. Gotta hit each target and move on. Content from everybody mixing to create one lovely brew delivered direct to you.

Geek Cruft

Food and Caffeinated Bits:

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From the Chief Bean @ The CaffiNation Podcast
“High Octane Caffeine Culture & Technology News”
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The CaffiNation is a Puzzle Piece Production