
Don’t just learn from mistakes, make them count

Janus, the Roman god most commonly found on coinage has the unique ability among that pantheon of looking both backwards and forwards. Probably the same sentiment expressed by the common idiom, “You have to know where you’ve been to know where you’re going.” It is in his honor that we offer up this episode to you. Janus is also the root word for January, see where this is headed? Of course you do! Each one of you is as smart and beautiful as they come, mainly because you listen to this show.

This show will turn 5 years old on January 9th 2011. I’ve been blogging a good deal longer than that in one form or another. The site and the idea were going to be a webcomic, but I can’t draw, and I’m not really all that funny… So I decided my two passions of geekery and coffee needed a home and the CaffiNation was born. I even delayed doing the first show a couple of months until I had a good intro music. Tonight’s show is going to look back at this past year and pull some of my favorite pieces out. While at the same time giving you a glimpse into what we are thinking for the future.

And you know what? I have a CaffiNation Birthday present for you. Giveaway! Listen in to find out what. Details will be posted on the site on January 9th, but I think you are going to like it.

Geek Cruft:

CaffiNation Rewind!

Food and Caffeinated Bits:

Many Thanks for listening,

Stay Caffeinated!

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