
Newest Staff Member now on the Scene.

Ladies and gentlemen boys and girls children of all ages, Come one come all to to meet the newest member of the CaffiNation Lair’s Staff.

It is with great joy that we welcome Amber Elizabeth Muller, She entered the world yelling at 3:09 pm July 12th. Despite the fact that a true lady never tells we are making an exception in this case. She weighs in at 6 lbs and 9 ounces. And stretches out to 19.5 inches long. Both Mother, baby, big brother and yours truly are all happy and healthy

So we have plenty to talk about but for great tech content I’ll have to direct you elsewhere.

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Geek Cruft

Food and Caffeinated Bits

  • Starbucks coffee in the Hospital, So much better than machine Made

Many Thanks for listening, Stay Caffeinated!

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