
Get Your Numerical Chuckles out of the way early

So whats in a number? Nothing on this particular show, we’re trying to get by with a little help from our friends. The forced cancelation of the last episode due to a lack of energy and a place to record got the better of me. And thanks be for all the friends of the CaffiNation who responded by submitting articles over the past week or so. It made the research a bit easier for tonight.

The lair is slowly coming together, I spent a bit over 5 hours last night getting the tech in pace, and wired. Now its just left for me to clean a fish tank and geek the lair up right.

Tonight, however we are trying to get a hang of the new layout and make sure everything is working consider it a dry run of the vidcasting and a live fire test of the audio setup.

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Live show to resume next week! 11pm Eastern Daylight Time

Geek Cruft

Food and Caffeinated Bits

Many Thanks for listening, Stay Caffeinated!

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