
It’s not easy, nothing is ever that easy

So the spring semester came in with a bang just now, i’m up to my eyeballs in work to do for the department and the only positive  at this point is that i’m  making headway on a couple of huge problems. Learning is fun!

Tonight i decided to break out the shoehorn and figure just how many angles could fit on the head of a microphone. In short we have a ton of stuff to talk about and only one person to do the talking. So get ready for some fast paced action.

Tonight’s show has everything the well heeled geek needs, star wars, LEGO, coffee, weapons, Mario, Atari, Halo, cupcakes, charity and compassion. It’s all part of a  balanced  information diet!

CaffiNation Live on Wednesday Nights at 11pm Eastern

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Geek Cruft:

Food and Caffeinated Bits:

Thanks and Stay Caffeinated People!

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