
Today’s Show:   TOS, facebook, PirateBay, Privacy, Passwords, legos, pixels, king kong, salt and pepper, tea, and coffee

Well I have a full complement of hands once more. typing is a joy, well at least for now. Still working the kinks out of the systems but it feels good to be able to put ideas to paper once more. I can’t wait to share the ideas I’ve been kicking around for the last month. We have a ton of new content on deck i just need to flesh it out and give it life so to speak. The Robot Overlord Appeasement poster is going to rock, the Tech in Tough times articles are shaping up as well. But thats all in the future, today’s show has a host of great links to lego goodness, some fun kerfuffle concerning TOS and the facebook flack, and a ton more content covering all the stuff listed above and more.

I would like to say that even though the Facebook story takes up a good deal of physical space on the post it does not in fact use anywhere near that amount of time in the show. I just wanted to make sure i was able to share all of the great content that was pushed out in reference. While the story is old, lessons can still be learned from the issues it raised.

Enjoy the show and Stay Caffeinated ~!

@caffination: coffee in my veins, steel in my eyes, dear server I will break you. From Juan Valdez’ heart I stab at thee

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Enjoy the Episode!

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Thanks and Stay Caffeinated People