
Today’s Show: Holidays, Weakness, Apology, Delay, Computers, Caffeine, Papercraft, Green Tech, LED, LCD, Coffee


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I hope everyone is having a great season so far, the hectic days are starting to catch up with our household here. The CaffiNation Lair has lain dark and mostly unoccupied as we visit the four corners of the city. Things are beginning to calm down once more but there is always the next big challenge on the horizon. I have compiled a list of fun stories which may or may not make sense to0 anyone other than myself. Thanks so much for your patience trust me if this had been done yesterday it would have been ugly.

An interesting little discussion at the end concerning Names, please stick around for it. And Thank you for any comments you send our way.

Enjoy the Episode!

Tech Cruft

Caffeine & Food Section

Thanks and Stay Caffeinated People