
Welcome to the CaffiNation 056: Food for Thought
The High Octane world of Tunes and Tech, Coffee and all things Caffeine.

Tech Tid-Bits :—–

  • Security: Hard Lessons
    • Lessons Well Learned
    • Zero Day Problem, 06 has been bad
    • Apple Power Adapter Issues, I’ve Had a similar problem
    • Another one bites the dust DOT lost a Laptop
  • Who Pays for Air Create your own compressed air
  • Beware of Coworkers checking for when your vacation starts
  • Congrats to Pluto, your still a planet, for now

TPN Info:—– Tech Podcasts Network Information

Caffeinated Bits Today:—–

  • This is what I get for watching the food network Coffee Rub Thanks Bobby Flay
  • Product Idea Water Ice Flavor needed
  • Alton Brown Coffee Made Simple
  • Vending Machine Coffee, Mention again
  • Homemade Chai… sort of

Music Bits :—–

Music from today’s show is provided by the PodSafe Music Network

Thanks and Stay Caffeinated People!

This PodCast Brought to you by the Letter C…