Not that the story hadn’t been broken by the blogging community yet but from the Creators of Skype, and the Men that brought you all the free music, wink wink, you could ever want , *cough* Kazaa. Niklas Zennström and Janus Friis Now want to bring you Joost. yes the serial capitalists return with an offering in the realm of digital on demand Internet TV. I’ve already signed-up for the Beta, you can head over there and do so yourself. no word on whether or not I’m going to get in yet, but should it happen I’ll be giving out invites on the show. And should anyone else get in who reads this I’d Appreciate an invite should one not come my way! please… I am not above groveling or begging. No self respected geek would be, we travel miles for free T-Shirts and swag.
The whole stand on the shoulders of Giants trend that the Skype duo has a had going for them continues. Made that much more impressive by the fact they they are their own giants. Building upon previous work in P2P technology, first introduced in Kazaa and further refined in Skype, Joost looks to give content providers exactly what they are looking for in the terms of content management. A secure fast network ad supported, much like the revenue stream of current broadcast TV, capable of controlling the content as it is distributed.
What Kazaa brought to the table in terms of pure P2P strength Skype refined into a secure transparent backbone of a burgeoning technology. Both of these services are present in the current incarnation as a much more developed concept and implimentation. Congrats on the seemingly awesome product, and I hope to be able to report more on it as the days fly by.