I was recently gifted a bag of the funnily name Rising Cock coffee. The flavor that I had was the Caffeine Climax. The coffee is advertised as highly caffeinated. But how does it taste? Inspecting the bag I don’t know how it’s higher caffeine, is it robusta? Is it just a varietal that has a higher caffeine content… Who knows.

Similar to other high caffeine brands on the market, it promises a lot but how does it stand up to taste tests. However unlike many other high caffeine brands this brand is not roasted to within an inch of its life. Usually all high caffeine brands are dark roasted oily bean messes. This one was pleasantly medium or city roast.

In addition to being roasted appropriately the coffee smells wonderful. It has pleasant warm earthy tones. I brewed it three different ways. Cold brew, French press and espresso. When I received it for Christmas it was recently roasted and fresh.
As an espresso it was slightly bitter with decent mouth feel. Nice crema and good body to the cup. I can’t attest to the caffeine level beyond suspect personal experiences. It has a decent kick as an espresso. It got the job done.
As a French press, ground coarsely as is appropriate it has good body and mellow tones. It had a warm flavor profile with dates and dried fruit notes. Maybe some dark chocolate hints on the back end. As a French press I really felt the caffeine. Great kick to the cup.

This coffee really shines as a cold brew I have to say. No bitter taste, light acid. Fantastic mouthfeel. Strong dried fruit notes with a more distinct dark chocolate flavor on the back end. The caffeine was a wide eyed pleasure.
After my experience with death wish coffee I was pleasantly surprised by this high octane offering. It has a kick without being burnt and unpalatable. This is a good coffee that just happens to be highly caffeinated. I like it a lot. Off you happen to be out in your travels look around for Rising Cock Coffee. Enjoy!
They have other offerings so tell me what you think of the others.