You know there may come a time when my daughter starts digging doll house type things. And I dread having to spend tons of money on tiny furniture. Right now she is into Cars, robots, and monsters anything to play with her big brother. Oh and baby dolls.
I would probably have used these little beauties for G.I.Joe office furniture. They look awesome and tasty. But what you see is what you get a fun little waffle press that makes furniture not waffles. Play with your food kids!
Sadly this awesome creation is a single shot. Made by artists Ryosuke Fukusada and Rui Pereira. This really needs to be a thing. But the cool part is now that the idea is out there, even if the original artists don’t make one you can bet your bippy Barbie might be rocking a tasty armchair ina couple of years. Destro might have a full on Waffle tank, with Baroness riding shotgun, on the Bacon turret. MMMMM breakfast wars. wait… where am I ?
I’m really hoping the artists take this to the next level and start producing them.