by Paul Muller | GameRoom, Review
So what is XCOM Enemy Unknown? First off despite some of the more awesome trailers like you see below it is a turn based squad command strategy game. In short this is not Call of Duty, This is better! All those stupid suggestions and way-points in the FPS? you...
by Paul Muller | GameRoom, Review
When you run a video game sports franchise and you update your title every year you run the risk of falling flat. And of getting complacent. You really can’t put the folks over at 2k into this camp. With the latest edition of NBA 2k13 they have done anything but...
by Paul Muller | Food n Coffee, Review
The fine folks at Booskerdoo Coffee were nice enough to ship a second sample of coffee to me as well. If you missed the first go round, check out the review of Black and Tan, the unbelievable checkerboard roasted coffee, but today’s selection is the Jersey...
by Paul Muller | Food n Coffee, Review
Booskerdoo Coffee claims to be The earth’s best coffees roasted to order. And they recently gifted me with a sample of the Black and Tan Organic Fair trade Coffee. Lovingly roasted in / on their Dietrich in the store. Let me tell you I love the smell of true...
by Paul Muller | Food n Coffee, Review
I was recently gifted a bag of Zabar’s wonderful coffee by a fellow coffee lover. She swears by the blend saying it was a nice smooth cup, with great taste. Zabar’s is a supermarket food market in New York, While I have never been to the store myself, I do...
by Paul Muller | GameRoom, Geek, Review
Alright this has been a long time coming But i was trying to finish the game… Guess what Still not done but that’s Alright. Borderlands 2 is one of the top 5 titles to have been released in the last 5 years. It is that fun. The off color jokes are that...