Didn’t Make the Cut 213
Here again we find ourselves looking down the barrel of yet another fantastically full episode of the CaffiNation Podcast. However as has been our custom these past two weeks the news that is still awesome enough to share, but unfortunately we just simply don’t...
Here there be Dragons
Did you feel it? The world just changed. Not as your reading it, but when this was written. Maybe you can still hear the echo, feel the aftershock. At 2:52 pm I received this message via twitter. “@cc_chapman: Sad. Gary Gygax the creator of Dungeons and Dragons...
A Cold Current truth
This little guy is a design piece crafted by Troika for an installation in MoMA. The idea behind this little devil is that the device when placed into a mac, installs the newton virus on the machine. This is a truly outmoded type of virus in that its design is much...