A Small Update

Wow, after having put the finishing touches on Aprils Stats Submission, i have to say this is a fun place to be right now, but i Haven’t exactly been keeping up with my three postings a week. Let me give you the excuses and a run down on the current state of...

Tonights CaffiNation

Hello Out there to Listeners of the CaffiNation Podcast. This is a general Warning that there may not end up being an episode put together tonight, Thursday April 19th. I received a wonderful birthday present from my in laws of tickets to tonight’s Blue Man...
Tragedy leads to Hasty Judgement

Tragedy leads to Hasty Judgement

Hello there Dear Listeners, Today I wanted to speak to you about the tragic events yesterday in Virginia. If you want a real honest account of what happened you need to visit this student’s blog. His account is real, his motives are pure and the text is...
If you give a blogger a badge

If you give a blogger a badge

The he’ll want some power. But seriously more than enough air and synapses have been thrown down in response to Tim “I Coin words” O’Reilly’s new suggestion of a voluntary blogger code of conduct. I’d first off like to think that...
Hey Paul is that you?

Hey Paul is that you?

How would you like to answer that question without ever hearing it? I’ve been reading a little bit online about Mycybertwin.com a site that proposes to handle mundane conversations as if the bot you create was you. Useful for dating sites, meet and greets,...
Ch-Ch-Cha- Changes

Ch-Ch-Cha- Changes

As I already gave a shot on my personal blog the Travel Mug we are running the new and improved WordPress 2.1.2 now. So for all of you lucky devils that register on our blog you will get to see some of the fun behind the scenes. What does this means for you, the...