Borderlands 2… Handsome Giveaway

Borderlands 2… Handsome Giveaway

Howdy there Coffee Addicts, Game fans, and Vault Hunters! It’s that time again. We here at the CaffiNation Podcast are running a giveawy. This time, thanks to our wonderful friends at 2K Games we are able to give away a copy of this just released game. With all...
Major Tom to Ground Control

Major Tom to Ground Control

Ben Cooper of Launch Photography is selling full sized prints of these amzing pictures. Think flying a spaceship is easy? Hell I can’t even look at these fish eye photos in full resolution wihtout starting to get a headache. Head on over and buy the full...

Deadpool vs Gangnam Style

The original video is everywhere… literally even Good Morning America got in on the act. but us geeks… well we need a little more. Enter Deadpool, and he gives us his all. I now give you  Deadpool vs Gangnam Style
Hungry Hungry Koopas

Hungry Hungry Koopas

Kodykoala  is an evil genius. Take one part of my childhood and marry it lovingly to another equally awesome part? Hell to the yes! Super Mario  Brothers  3 all over again! Each hand painted and formed Koops is one fo the Koopa Kids, and laquered for extra durability....
Curiosity, the tourist

Curiosity, the tourist

Curiosity not only takes it’s own pictures… and has a twitter account, but is probably experimenting with opening a tumblr and a facebook behind NASA and JPL’s back. At least it isn’t using an instagram filter. Seriously though the robot rover...
Baby Hjölster: Time to Dad Up!

Baby Hjölster: Time to Dad Up!

Andy Herald and Charlie Capen are evil geniuses, First they start a site called How to be a Dad, and fill it with hilarious advice and Do Not’s all over the place. its a site for Dads to laugh and joke about things and play along at home. But they didn’t...