NBA2K 13: Game On! Giveaway

NBA2K 13: Game On! Giveaway

Hi Folks, it’s that time again we are preparing a  review  of a new game coming out today, and in the process of this we have been gifted with the  opportunity  to give away a copy of the game to the fine readers here at The CaffiNation! We pull your number and...
Real I Look: Yoda Speaks

Real I Look: Yoda Speaks

What if Yoda hadn’t been green? After all we know it isn’t easy thanks to a signing amphibian, but what if Yoda was a little more flesh toned. Would to change the way people interact with or  perceive  him? Like thinking of Gollum as just a  crazy  old...
CaffiNation Reviews: Borderlands 2

CaffiNation Reviews: Borderlands 2

Alright this has been a long time coming But i was trying to finish the game… Guess what Still not done but that’s Alright. Borderlands 2 is one of the top 5 titles to have been released in the last 5 years. It is that fun. The off color jokes are that...
Podcamp East: Geoff Livingston session

Podcamp East: Geoff Livingston session

Geoff Livingston at Podcamp East discussing his book Marketing in the Round, which he co-authored with Gini Dietrich. Very good presentation with a lot of information. I did my best to capture the essence of the talk without pulling word for word from the great...