Google Music

Google Music

Can you hear the music? Well now it lives in the cloud. This isn’t just talking to angels, a stairway to heaven or any other bad pun you can think of this is real, good old-fashioned music, that you own already, streaming to you anywhere, anytime. The beta is...
iPhone Alarm Dock

iPhone Alarm Dock

Although it is a simple design, I think it is a great concept. This Alarm Dock, a design by Jonas Damon, is an updated version of the old GE flip clocks, like the one you see in the movie Groundhog Day. Hopefully, Bill Murray won’t start smashing these clocks....
The Babe With the Power

The Babe With the Power

  There is nothing more fun as a Geekdad or GeekMom to dress your children up in small versions of memes, jokes and geek culture references. Enter the Babe with the Power Onesie! As a throwback to the wonderful movie  Labyrinth  anyone who sees your kid dressed...
Sci-Fi Motorcycle Helmets

Sci-Fi Motorcycle Helmets

Tigerpause444, the designer of these helmets took children’s toys, sliced them up a bit glued drilled and shimmied the parts into place around real motorcycle helmets. And the finished product looks mighty cool. I’ll give you massive design points for...
Star Wars Muppets Action Figures

Star Wars Muppets Action Figures

Disney is set to release 4 packs of 2 Muppet / Star Wars action figures for the low low price of 18.95 per pack. Seems a bit much for me and I love Star wars and the Muppets… And their together but come on George and Henson people even this is milking the fans a...
Lego Star Wars Sandcrawler

Lego Star Wars Sandcrawler

  Lego Creations just keep growing, and getting more cool features. Today’s view into the Brick Life (Seriously if that becomes a reality show title I want a cut) we had the madcap bits of awesome assembled by Marshal Banana… and has nothing to do...