Portal 2 Interactive Gels

Portal 2 Interactive Gels

Would I love to have real Interactive Aperture Science Gels? Yes, why yes I would… Make me faster, stronger, more portal-able… I’m all in. Portal 2 Interactive gels is your chance to own, nay to experience, the wonder of Portal in real life. Do they...

CanBot, Robot Beer Can

You heard correctly. This is a robot shaped like a beer can. usually when inaimate objects start doing things, you know like walking around… I would suggest you stop drinking. Think about the implications 1 Can bot in a case could singlhandedly stop a whole frat...
Father’s Day Geek Homework

Father’s Day Geek Homework

Ok seriously you shouldn’t be reading this today, you should be off doing something fun, and rembering the fathers in your life. If you happen to be a dad, live it up dudes. This day isn’t a day to take a load off your feet, it is a day to take stock of...
Digital Archeology

Digital Archeology

I love this concept, imagine taking websites and looking at them on the technology available at the time. This takes away the trappings of higher deff, or resolution. yes the monitors were smaller, no the refresh rate wasn’t what it should be. But the web as an...
Heart With No Beat

Heart With No Beat

The beat goes on. but does it have to? Two groundbreaking doctors at the Texas Heart Institute don’t seem to think it needs to. The heart beats, and creates our pulse, because the tissue itself needs time to gather strength for the next downbeat, the next...
What tie would go with the armor?

What tie would go with the armor?

How would you react if you saw a co-worker walk into work in an armor suit? Wang Kang, a telecom worker in Shanghai, was able to experience just that. He was able to construct the first Iron Man suit, also known as the MK1.  After 3 months, and spending $450,  Mr....