Life-Sized Pin Art
= Who hasn’t walked into a novelty gift shop and seen these tiny little pin arts pieces laying around? You put any object in there flip it over and Voila! Instant art. I love haing one of them around the house, keeps my 4 year old entranced for hours, and hey I...
Turntable.fm Tell your friends
There is a new kid on the music block. And I don’t mean a boy band craze you have to run away from… unless you wander into a bad room. Turntable.fm is a new service currently in limited / not limited beta. If you have a friend who is in the beta on...Teach Parents Tech
Parents are wonderful creatures… And as with any blanket statements there will always be exceptions, but Parents of a certain age and new technology do not always mix. Teach Parents Tech aims to help fix that issue. Yes it started as a holiday helper. but there...At the Mountains of Madness
We talk a lot about Cthulu here at the CaffiNation. One because its a semi common geek story. Geeks like to feel special, like they are privy to secret knowledge no one else has, and they also tend to be rabid fans of things. From Cthulu having a starring role in...