by Paul Muller | Design, Food n Coffee, Geek
Who hasn’t wanted to throw in a couple of hats for the kids after polishing off Ye Old 96’er? Well take the world of eating challenges, loving blend them with a helping of geek culture and you get Steven Anderson’s beautiful works. All available as...
by Paul Muller | Design, Geek
How do two geeks show their commitment? Well if you aren’t Irish a Claddagh ring probably wouldn’t work for you. And no one is really using Fede Rings anymore. However when two geek hearts beat as one, a LEGO variant on the same sentiment...
by Paul Muller | Design, Geek
I’ll just leave this here. Obviously some type of visual trickery is going on but… forced perspective is a beautiful thing. I’m thinking renewable energy! ‪Waterfall‬†– YouTube.