I never realized that the little guy actually dies on the cover. Should have told us something about our chances to finish the game unscathed. Kind of a Modern, All hope abandon ye who enter here. Well, then. via justinrampage: How did… | Agent M Loves...
I love me some alternate realities. In one dark and seedy Reality Mario and Luigi had past their prime, that film Noir tale took hold of me for the entire sourse of its run. That was There will be Brawl. This Video speaks to a different world yet again, Mario as a...
In the parlance of a younger generation, Oh Snap! Google is acquiring Motorola Mobility, which means Google now has a direct line to the manufacture of mobile devices. This means that the competition between the big three in smartphone technology is going to get...
The fine folks over at Furin Cosplay have put together one of the most awesome cosplay / puppets I have ever seen. Wheatly the friendly protagonist from Portal 2, and all around idiot, is a perfect character. He is both hilarious and evil all rolled into one giant...
The Ad Agency Jung van Matt/Elbe while promoting 13th Street a German horror film channel developed these special zombie head bowling balls. Some even went to far as to use the holed for the balls into the design of the head itself. Thumb in a nostril anyone?...