We Stopped Dreaming

Are you a geek? Are you a dreamer? Do you like SciFi, trips the the moon, The Martian Chronicles, Seeing the sunsrise on Mars. Can you imagine these things. How many kids today want to grow up to be  astronauts? Not many, because there isn’t a groundswell of...
Spinning Beach Ball of Death

Spinning Beach Ball of Death

Letting go of your inhibitions is a scary thought. getting up to speak can be scary. but how about speaking at TED, a world renowned conference of navel gazers the likes you have never seen. People routinly show upt o give amazing talks. Sometimes the talks are laden...
Mari0: Now you’re shrooming with portals

Mari0: Now you’re shrooming with portals

What happens when you go have a lucid dream about a world where Mario and Chell from Portal had a baby together? What happens if you wake from this lucid dream to find the wonderful world of Super Mario Brothers…  equipped  with Portals, but absent Gladdos?...
Lego Space Shuttle

Lego Space Shuttle

What is the  recipe  for awesome? Take one part whims, one 18 year old  Romanian  named Raul Oaida. Throw in some Legos and a healthy respect for science. Taking a lego space shuttle into space as a tribute to the ending of the shuttle program? That is quite simply...

DARPA Cheetah Sets Speed Record

Hi Folks… if yu’re reading this after the impending Robot takeover, then I for one welcome our new robot masters. Meet the Cheetah,  it looks terrifing, it’s fast… yeah I think we’re pretty well doomed. Put a set of horns on this bad boy...

Trike Drifting

I have job stress, you have kids crying. Or maybe I still have both. Being a grown-up sucks. Responsibilities, suck.    How would you like to unplug and pretend you’re 6 or 7 for a couple minutes? Get your floor clean, because your jaw is about to drop. A bunch...