Slimer Says!

Slimer Says!

I make a lot of warning posters and announcements in work. More often than not people just don’t read the sign. If you remember my previous versions of Plot Room Propaganda then you can see I went I  different  way with this one. I left it blank so you can print...
NES Nintendo Controller Rug

NES Nintendo Controller Rug

  This needs to be in my basement… Handcrafted by WTCrafts of Etsy, this fine throw rug throws down some serious geek cred in whomever’s basement / family room it lands. NES Nintendo Controller Rug by WTCrafts on Etsy.
Complaints of Medieval Monks

Complaints of Medieval Monks

Ever wonder just how tedious it may have been to be a scribe in the dark ages? you spent your whole life copying other people’s words by the light of the sun, and sometimes by candlelight, but you never really got to use your rather uniue talent to say anythign...
Salt and Pepper Robots

Salt and Pepper Robots

We here at the CaffiNation love us some robotic fun. But how cool would it be to throw a little locomotion into your Sodium and Pepper needs? A little NaCl waddling across the table is just good old fashioned fun if you ask me. Only problem is the price, $24.99 for...
New Avengers Movie Posters

New Avengers Movie Posters

I don’t know about you but I’m waiting on the edge of my seat of rht Avengers Movie, and every time Marvel releases a set of these images, still or in this case posters I get a little more hyped up! I can’t wait! Click below for links to all of the...
Origami Cthulhu

Origami Cthulhu

The artist who designs and produced this unbelievable piece posted a fragment of the Call of Cthulu, which i will leave with you with. “Of the six men who never reached the ship, he thinks two perished of pure fright in that accursed instant. The Thing cannot be...