The Enterprise In 20 Years

The Enterprise In 20 Years

Make a statement and work towards it. Make a we will get the the moon declaritive statement and hang your hat on it. This is beyond a kickstarter, this is real. Or at least it will be. Dan from Build the Enterprise .org is on the case. Read up on the timeline, the...

Dungeons and Dragons, meets Kanye the Giant

I love me some geek humor. And when that humor ends up on TV, in an unexpected place i love it even more. Some shows have made their living off of hitting the geek button every show, and in  different  ways.  But Key and Peele, a new show that just wrapped its first...
The Majestic Stegobeetle

The Majestic Stegobeetle

It’s part  Volkswagen Beetle, no word on the year, although probably pre 1970’s with no little half moon vent behind the rear window, and a Stegosaurus. You see it’s funny because much like the Beetle, the Stegosaurus had a motor in its trunk too. Or...

Go right

Take a step back into your childhood if you’re a gamer of age, and relive some classics. Fantastic video. Go right, when in doubt, always go right…

This is Coffee – Ask Hank

Ross Bollinger is a cartoonist who runs the very funny Ask Hank series on youtube.  Just Dial in 530-its-hank, to ask Hank you very own question. Herein… Hank discovers coffee.
Super Mario and Luigi Hat Earrings

Super Mario and Luigi Hat Earrings

Artist Could  CouldBeeYours  has a knack for pulling geeky creative stuff out of thin air and making awesome designs from it. Enter the Mario and Luigi hat  earnings. I would honestly wear these, one at a time of course. And only $13.50? That right there is a steal....