Wookiee Cookies

Wookiee Cookies

May the 4th be with you! Today being Empire awareness day and all, I thought it proper to include a rather offbeat little recipe directly from the Sith Lord Himself, George Lucas. Ok there is next to no evidence the Lucas had anything to do with this recipe but we can...
BioFuel Caffeinated Popcorn

BioFuel Caffeinated Popcorn

  Perpetual kid has found another fantastic product, if you like crazy products. And here at the CaffiNationw e love them, the more offbeat the better. So far we have caffeinated gum, mints, water, candy, bacon, chocolate, and soap. Now add popcorn to the list....
Bicycle Wine Rack

Bicycle Wine Rack

In our last little story we made the cycle a bit safer. In this story not so much. But if you need to securly transport a single bottle of wine from point A to point oh eight then you can always get down with the bike wine rack, made of leather straps and whimsy. For...
NES Lunchbox

NES Lunchbox

    Exactly what it says. an old school NES System, hollowed out and sealed off. With a spiffy little handle to carry all of your lunchable goodness. I don’t know but something about the handle seems off, perhaps it’s because it’s a...
Twinkie Pizza

Twinkie Pizza

  I like a lot of different things on my pizza, but twinkies are not one of them. How about you? Is there anything offbeat you enjoy on your  Pizza? In case you had a little Twinkie  craving here is the  Twinkie Pizza full story. From front to back how to make...