by Paul Muller | Design, Food n Coffee
Espresso is to coffee, as good design is to art. You can call any old thing coffee and any old thing art. But to truly be set aside and aspire to the perfection of espresso or Great art. Espresso as a whole is an experience from the moment you grind your beans to the...
by Paul Muller | Design, Food n Coffee
I think we’ve all been in the position of having to carry a load of coffee tea or beverages of our choice back to a group of waiting people. No one ever takes into account the hand to cups requested ratio. This spiffy design simplifies the math involved by...
by Paul Muller | Food n Coffee
Since the time when people started drinking coffee there has been one subtle problem. The heat of the coffee seems to rapidly disappear when the mug is left unattended. Everyone has come back to a cup after an important phone call or a quick client interaction only...
by Paul Muller | Food n Coffee
Created as a birthday present to his brother this liquid courage, power and wisdom must have hit the spot. Man I want to try to make this! Check out his deviantart for some other fantastic creations. Man has a gift! Be sure to check out his page for more examples of...
by Paul Muller | Food n Coffee
16th Century Monks living in Germany had a couple crazy ideas. one of which being their idea of a good fast for Lent was abstaining from solid food and drinking nothing but beer for 46 days… I’ll let that sink in. Nothing but beer and water for 46 days....
by Paul Muller | Food n Coffee
England the home of Top Gear and automotive enthusiasts. London, the home of cramped streets and high society. These two are both apparently in dire need of tasty chilled treats. Enter the HMS Flake 99…. Licensed to Chill, with its captain and vendor in chief...