by Paul Muller | Food n Coffee, GameRoom
What do you get when an old school rapper like Method Man hits up some Sour / Sweet candy treats? Viral Gold… I love me some Sour Patch Kids. And according to the video a new game called World Gone Sour This video has some seriously quotable lines, and a...
by Paul Muller | Design, Food n Coffee
A phrase I unabashedly derrived fromt he term Cowboy Up, indicating that the person was about to do some hard work. Same thing but for creative endeavors there is less likely to be a physical rammification for a poor performance, but any effort needs to be maxed out....
by Paul Muller | Food n Coffee
This image is one of my favorite projects from the past couple of years. I loved the original design, but it was a little off. this reworking of the concept, however slight I think shows off the data a bit better. What are you looking at? Well this is an...
by Paul Muller | Design, Food n Coffee
Coffee is what fuels us, it is what powers so many things we do. I’ve shown this design before, and even printed out some fun giveaway posters. And of all of the things I’ve done this is one of my absolute favorites. I can think of no better story to throw...
by Paul Muller | Food n Coffee
So today, September 29th is National Coffee Day! What does that mean? Well a lot of differernt places are offering free coffee. But I’m taking a different route. I think you owe it to yourself to try and find the best coffee in your area and enjoy it. In fact...
by Paul Muller | Design, Food n Coffee
The experiance of drinking tea is just as important as the taste. there is a ceremony involved in creating good tea, in enjoying it to its fullest. This product, dubbed Cuptea, by designer Lee Seo-jin brings all of that into one delightful package. At this...