How Coffee Change America

How Coffee Change America

I was just sent a link to this wonderful infographic on how coffee has changed America. Truely a nicely designed piece or work, with a bunch of fun tidbits along the way. Did you know that the first license to sell coffee was granted to a woman in  Boston  in 1670?...
Bacon Coffin

Bacon Coffin

Not much else needs to be explained here. You die, eventually. And you get  buried, forever immortalized in a bacon-esque coffin for the low low price of  $2,999.99, by J&D foods. Here is the thing. if i want to be buried in a bacon coffin, that bad boy better be...
Sinking Mugs

Sinking Mugs

It’s coffee, it’s funny. It’s here. Thats right, real mugs, sinking into the table, but not really. How awesome is this? 15$ Not too shabby. Sinking Mugs Are a Functional April Fool’s Day Prank.
Advanced Level Coffee Flow Chart

Advanced Level Coffee Flow Chart

There is a simple solution for Coffee, we already covered that though. What happens when you want to branch out… what are your options. This is only the first draft f the board but I’m still open for comments. the style will change a bit. But come on...
Salt and Pepper Robots

Salt and Pepper Robots

We here at the CaffiNation love us some robotic fun. But how cool would it be to throw a little locomotion into your Sodium and Pepper needs? A little NaCl waddling across the table is just good old fashioned fun if you ask me. Only problem is the price, $24.99 for...
Coffee, the terrorists won

Coffee, the terrorists won

Have you heard? Scrounging in your seat cushions for change, or loose bills is now a sign of a terrorist, at least according to the FBI. But, hey what do they know? I pay for most things in cash when I can help it. Helps me keep track of where my money is going, gives...