by Paul Muller | Food n Coffee
Let’s be honest you don’t always have the means or ability to make good coffee while you’re in work. More often than not you have the communal coffee pot, the harbinger of doom and bacteria that usually gets boiled down to the last barely...
by Paul Muller | Food n Coffee
Some men make firepits out of stone and metal. Some men cook their meat on a grill powered by dead dinosaurs. Other men LIVE! I have no information other than the obvious awesome nature of this creation. Yo ho ho and a bottle of SAUCE! Let’s hoist the Meat and...
by Paul Muller | Food n Coffee
This is without a doubt the best Pinky and the Brain cake i have ever seen. I was recently contacted by the artist. Kathy’s work can be found over at Be sure to stop by and give her creations all the love and attention they so...
by Paul Muller | Food n Coffee, Review
I was recently contacted by Newton Vineyards with information about their unfiltered Wine and it’s similarity to unfiltered Coffee, or French Press Coffee. I was intrigued. Unfiltered wine? I had honestly never heard of it. But I love and live off of unfiltered...
by Paul Muller | Food n Coffee
A Japanese ad agency was faced with a client trying to reinvigorate their business after the devastation of the 2011 earthquake and tsunami. They sold Nori, the delicate seaweed wrap that surrounds several different varieties of Sushi. The ad agency I&SBBDO...
by Paul Muller | Food n Coffee
I’m a huge Fan of Aerosmith, from their early stuff to their more recent offerings. I’ve probably seen them in concert more than any other band, and I’ve never been disappointed. Quite simply they know how to rock. The band has in recent years...