by Paul Muller | Design, Food n Coffee
Not sure what the target market is for this dram. But if I was a barista I would end up using this cup more like a Jigger to measure out espresso shots for larger drinks. The C’UP Air is a premium product, made with pressed glass and is 13 cm tall. And...
by Paul Muller | Food n Coffee, Review
I love anniversary blends from good coffee roasters. The anniversary blend isn’t just another way to shuffle product, but it usually reflects a deeper commitment to making the blend a bit better. And more often than not there is a good story to go along with the...
by Paul Muller | Design, Food n Coffee
Because why do dishes or clog landfills when you can pack on CARBS! Oh hell yeah. A corn based compressed corn food like product all organic. Which doesn’t say much wood is organic, it isn’t very edible or nutrition. But this promises to be both edible...
by Paul Muller | Design, Food n Coffee
When you’re not just Late you’re Lattè! We have all done the math, justified the time it takes stopping for coffee is made up by productive results after consuming. But do you know the other side of the coin? The poor people who rage as you stroll your...
by Paul Muller | Design, Food n Coffee
Cafenoia: That sickening feeling that things are not as they should be. Everyone has that well meaning and caffeine sensitive relative that likes to dope the family all up on that filthy placebo decaf. Sure they have their reasons, and yes their intentions are...
by Paul Muller | Food n Coffee, Review
Today we are sampling the Rogers Family Coffee Organic French Roast. A lovely organic blend from the fine folks at Rogers Family Coffee Company. It’s always a nice thing when a sample of coffee arrives in the mail. Its even more of a treat when the coffee...