Mr Bacon Says

Mr Bacon Says

A Missive to food bloggers everywhere. I’m done  playing  nice. I love bacon just as much as the next blogger, if not more so. But the food meme has run its course. You need to stop reporting on every johnny come lately that puts a red and white paint job on a...
The Persistence of Virtual Memory

The Persistence of Virtual Memory

An update of the Salvadore Dali Favorite, Melting Clocks, or the  Persistence  of memory. Emmanual Laflamme does this up wonderfully right. Check out his Design Studio at Facebook QuatertoFour EatSleepDraw • The Persistence of Virtual Memory,  Emmanuel Laflamme...
Hungry Hungry Koopas

Hungry Hungry Koopas

Kodykoala  is an evil genius. Take one part of my childhood and marry it lovingly to another equally awesome part? Hell to the yes! Super Mario  Brothers  3 all over again! Each hand painted and formed Koops is one fo the Koopa Kids, and laquered for extra durability....
Robot Juice: Coffee

Robot Juice: Coffee

Coffee + Shirt = Awesome. Throw a dash of 8 bit love down the pipe as well.. and well you get this Triforce of graphically designed WIN. $16.99, money well spent. It’s a T Shirt… Proabbly should be listed without the r, because this shirt is the shit!...
Superman Pixelated

Superman Pixelated

An Artist known only as Samuel created this awesome mix of  Pointillism  and Depth of Field to craft a  vision  of Clark Kent disrobing into Superman. An iconic image, put into awesome relief.     Seriously how cool is this? My Modern...
The soul of an artist

The soul of an artist

Whenever an artist passes away I can’t help but think about all of the fabulous creations that sat in their head, and that only the strongest creations are the ones who manage to force their way out. Those are the only ones who survive, they live on. Sometimes...