Combat Kitchenware

Combat Kitchenware

Who doesn’t like cooking? I love cooking, and I like weapons, specifically swords… why not combine the two? Combat Kitchenware by James Brown has the solution in the form of a fantastic  Kickstarter  campaign. I’m gonna have to scrape together 70...
Thank you

Thank you

Thank you for continuing to stop by this little corner of the internet. This had been a great year and things will only get better from here on out. Enjoy the time you have with your family and friends, and try not to eat too much!
A foul wind

A foul wind

The latest in the Coffee Words set. The dark side of coffee is the foul wind that is produced when too much coffee and not enough brushing meet. The product of late nights working on who knows what and cold coffee pots left unattended. Everyone knows it can be a...


More Coffee Words, and more lunchtime sketches. I have a couple more in the pipeline but i think these are fun, nonsense types of enjoyment. I hope other people are finding them as fun as I did making them. Cafelexia: (noun) The act of ordering one item from a menu by...
Hard choices

Hard choices

This is the start of a sketch note series I call coffee words. Terms and terminology you need to know to survive in a well caffeinated world. Today’s word? Coffeenundrum: noun the difficulty choice you ate forced to make at the front of the line at you favorite...