Coffee Kong Instant Coffee

Coffee Kong Instant Coffee

I’m not usually one for instant coffee. In fact i pretty much hate the stuff. But damn if it isn’t portable and pretty  indestructible. Now how cool is this idea? Coffee Kong is compressed instant coffee, coated with a thin sugar covering to keep in the...
Google Zamboni Doodle!

Google Zamboni Doodle!

So Today for the 116th birthday of Frank Zamboni, the inventor of the ice  resurfacer  that every Hockey fan knows and loves, Google has deployed an interactive game, complete with Retro 8 bit bleeps and Boops to make you chuckle. Read here to find a bit more about...
Gorgeous Hobbit Stained Glass Style Piece

Gorgeous Hobbit Stained Glass Style Piece

I recently came across a gorgeous piece on DeviantArt by user  *breathing2004,aka Jian Guo  Its based on The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien, and if you have been around here for any length of time you know that I am a bit of a Tolkien Nerd… More than a little bit over...
OOh YEaahh! Coffee!

OOh YEaahh! Coffee!

A little Kool Aid homage never hurt anyone, and the image of the red glass decanter bursting through the wall into a suprised rooms is very well known. While this shirt is awesome, it would have been epic if the pot was bursting into… say a starbucks…...
Zelda Wedding Bands

Zelda Wedding Bands

How cool is this? finally meet someone you want to spend the rest of your life with and they happen to be a gamer too? It is dangerous to go alone, perhaps a partner in crime might be the right choice! Reddit contributor, Zsolt Szekely  a crafter of fine  jewelry...
Hobbit Moleskine Notebooks

Hobbit Moleskine Notebooks

I am a huge Tolkien Nerd / Geek. I’ve probably read the Hobbit about 30 times, and Lord of the Rings about 25. I’ve read the Silmarillion about 5 or 6 and read my kids Roverandom at night to try and get them hooked on the Master early. Seriously though...