by Paul Muller | GameRoom
We here at the CaffiNation podcast love being able to offer stuff to our loyal people. I you follow along with the show, you know in the past we have been able to dispense, video games, coffee products, and other various and sundry prizes. but I personally love giving...
by Paul Muller | Food n Coffee
Created using a plaster model of a real human skull, no word on the deceased’s name, but Artist Marina Malvada, from Quebec, has captured lightening in a bottle, or rather a skull. Mixed between Belgian Dark and milk chocolates the skulls each look unique, and...
by Paul Muller | Geek, tech
What is the recipe for awesome? Take one part whims, one 18 year old Romanian named Raul Oaida. Throw in some Legos and a healthy respect for science. Taking a lego space shuttle into space as a tribute to the ending of the shuttle program? That is quite simply...