Death of Infographics
Apparently people think if you write an essay in Photoshop its an infographic now. Seriously the best ones are simple. They aren’t looked for, and they are incredibly useful, or funny. I am not funny. And a really useful infographic is like finding a unicorn...We Stopped Dreaming
Are you a geek? Are you a dreamer? Do you like SciFi, trips the the moon, The Martian Chronicles, Seeing the sunsrise on Mars. Can you imagine these things. How many kids today want to grow up to be astronauts? Not many, because there isn’t a groundswell of...
Coffee, the terrorists won
Have you heard? Scrounging in your seat cushions for change, or loose bills is now a sign of a terrorist, at least according to the FBI. But, hey what do they know? I pay for most things in cash when I can help it. Helps me keep track of where my money is going, gives...