Laser Cut Sushi, Designer Nori

Laser Cut Sushi, Designer Nori

A Japanese ad agency was faced with a client trying to reinvigorate their business after the devastation of the 2011  earthquake  and tsunami. They sold Nori, the delicate seaweed wrap that surrounds several  different  varieties of Sushi. The ad agency   I&SBBDO...
Rockin and Roastin Joey Kramer does Coffee

Rockin and Roastin Joey Kramer does Coffee

I’m a huge Fan of Aerosmith, from their early stuff to their more recent offerings. I’ve probably seen them in  concert  more than any other band, and I’ve never been  disappointed.  Quite simply they know how to rock. The band has in recent years...
Miniature Waffle Furniture

Miniature Waffle Furniture

You know there may come a time when my daughter starts digging doll house type things. And I dread having to spend tons of money on tiny furniture. Right now she is into Cars, robots, and monsters anything to play with her big brother. Oh and baby dolls. I would...
All glory to the Bean

All glory to the Bean

So from time to time the whiteboard in my office gets a little empty… Usually when the to do list on the side is not moving. You see the center of the board is workspace, and short order items. When whitespace appears magical things happen like a coffee sunrise....

This is Coffee – Ask Hank

Ross Bollinger is a cartoonist who runs the very funny Ask Hank series on youtube.  Just Dial in 530-its-hank, to ask Hank you very own question. Herein… Hank discovers coffee.