CaffiNation 530: Snark and Food

CaffiNation 530: Snark and Food

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSSponsored by  Puzzle Piece Productions  : Direct Link to this episode   Think of Puzzle Piece Productions  Web and Graphic Design that falls right into place Tonight’s showwill be awesome. in fact it is already...

Keurig Vue Review

I now give way to my good friend Scott, from Don’t You Hate it When #DYHIW and his wonderful guest review of the Kuerig Vue! Scott is good people, and has an awesome endeavor of his own. He runs a series of videos and a site dedicated to that exasperated feeling...

Dungeons and Dragons, meets Kanye the Giant

I love me some geek humor. And when that humor ends up on TV, in an unexpected place i love it even more. Some shows have made their living off of hitting the geek button every show, and in  different  ways.  But Key and Peele, a new show that just wrapped its first...
Tonight we take over the world

Tonight we take over the world

This is without a doubt the best Pinky and the Brain cake i have ever seen. I was recently contacted by the artist. Kathy’s work can be found over at Be sure to stop by and give her creations all the love and attention they so...