Pirate Firepit

Pirate Firepit

Some men make firepits out of stone and metal. Some men cook their meat on a grill powered by dead dinosaurs. Other men LIVE! I have no information other than the obvious awesome nature of this creation. Yo ho ho and a bottle of SAUCE! Let’s hoist the Meat and...
Fresk Galactus

Fresk Galactus

Eater of Planets or simply awesome? Galactus Graffiti! A collaboration between French graffiti  artists  Drop and Merlyn. Simply breathtaking. No other information other than the images posted. Fresk Galactus | Flickr
CaffiNation 532: Game On

CaffiNation 532: Game On

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSSponsored by  Puzzle Piece Productions  : Direct Link to this episode   Think of Puzzle Piece Productions  Web and Graphic Design that falls right into place It’s called empowerment, when you finally get...
Star Wars Origami

Star Wars Origami

              Martin Hunt is starwarigami  on Flickr. His page it littered, i tell you littered with insanly  awesome  pieces of star wars inspired origami. Not just pictures of bits of awesomeness that he has brought into the fold (Get it! an Origami pun!) but guides...