CaffiNation 533: Tiny 3D

CaffiNation 533: Tiny 3D

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSSponsored by  Puzzle Piece Productions  : Direct Link to this episode   Think of Puzzle Piece Productions  Web and Graphic Design that falls right into place Ok so this show almost didn’t happen, I have no...

Signal To Noise by Douglas Koke

Signal To Noise  is a  time  lapse video of the VLR: Very Large Arrary Radio Telescope in Socorro New Mexico. Douglas Koke takes the  experience  of seeing this massive silent monument to science and adds in a little music, some unbelievable graphics and a great time...

Does coffee make the ideas?

How do you get your ideas? Do you get them by the cup, by the gallon or by the bite? Do you chew them up and spit them out when they are just the right consistency? Keith Becker helepd create a video about a world where ideas only come from coffee, and the...

Coffee in the workplace

Let’s be honest you don’t always have the means or  ability  to make good coffee while you’re in work. More often than not you have the communal coffee pot, the harbinger of doom and bacteria that usually gets boiled down to the last barely...