Rolling in the Higgs

This is how science should be taught… Man this song is awesome. These days the internet is the go to place to find all that is wrong with man. The worst in man’s nature is showcased in any comment forum you see, political nonsense, religeous conversations,...

Borderlands 2 : Guns, Humor and Guns!

Iframe support required to view this content. I  absolutely  loved  the  original game in the series. I don’t know if it was the tie in to fantastic music in the release trailer, (Ain’t no rest for the wicked was a fantastic choice) Since the first round...
Automatic Espresso, with the Philips Saeco Syntia

Automatic Espresso, with the Philips Saeco Syntia

There are very few products that show up at my door that blow me away. I like most of the things I am sent, I try to focus on the good pieces of others that fail to meet up with the hype. But more often than not I’m brutally honest about how I feel about a piece...
Not a planet!

Not a planet!

S so I had a long discussion with my 5yr old regarding the status of Pluto. The 9 planets had a nice ring to it… But the clarifications in science don’t go by phonetics, or tradition, they go by facts. I honestly thought our talk went in one ear and out...
The soul of an artist

The soul of an artist

Whenever an artist passes away I can’t help but think about all of the fabulous creations that sat in their head, and that only the strongest creations are the ones who manage to force their way out. Those are the only ones who survive, they live on. Sometimes...