NBA2K 13: Game On! Giveaway

NBA2K 13: Game On! Giveaway

Hi Folks, it’s that time again we are preparing a  review  of a new game coming out today, and in the process of this we have been gifted with the  opportunity  to give away a copy of the game to the fine readers here at The CaffiNation! We pull your number and...
Mr Bacon Says

Mr Bacon Says

A Missive to food bloggers everywhere. I’m done  playing  nice. I love bacon just as much as the next blogger, if not more so. But the food meme has run its course. You need to stop reporting on every johnny come lately that puts a red and white paint job on a...
Real I Look: Yoda Speaks

Real I Look: Yoda Speaks

What if Yoda hadn’t been green? After all we know it isn’t easy thanks to a signing amphibian, but what if Yoda was a little more flesh toned. Would to change the way people interact with or  perceive  him? Like thinking of Gollum as just a  crazy  old...
CaffiNation Reviews: Borderlands 2

CaffiNation Reviews: Borderlands 2

Alright this has been a long time coming But i was trying to finish the game… Guess what Still not done but that’s Alright. Borderlands 2 is one of the top 5 titles to have been released in the last 5 years. It is that fun. The off color jokes are that...
Podcamp East: Geoff Livingston session

Podcamp East: Geoff Livingston session

Geoff Livingston at Podcamp East discussing his book Marketing in the Round, which he co-authored with Gini Dietrich. Very good presentation with a lot of information. I did my best to capture the essence of the talk without pulling word for word from the great...