Zabar’s coffee

Zabar’s coffee

I was recently gifted a bag of Zabar’s wonderful coffee by a fellow coffee lover. She swears by the blend saying it was a nice smooth cup, with great taste. Zabar’s is a supermarket food market in New York, While I have never been to the store myself, I do...
Straw Wars

Straw Wars

What is it about Halloween that brings out the best and most creative nature in some people. I love a good scare as much as the next guy, alright I’m not a fan of horror movies at all but I do love me some Halloween! And this type of stuff is a homeowners Dream!...
Parenting Win

Parenting Win

The original comment stands. Parenting level OVER 9000! Seriously though we have seen a bunch of awesome tandem costumes with parents helping their kids out with a fantastic costume. I’m  going  to have to start working with my kids to make this happen. My Son...
Old vs New: Crash hits close to home

Old vs New: Crash hits close to home

I was  originally  just going to share this little gem via Tumblr, or twitter but I’ve been thinking more about it. Seriously. Give this video a watch next time you think your dad’s old Nova or Chevelle could take a hit. yes the low speed collisions may...
Starbucks Brand Fail

Starbucks Brand Fail

Apparently… even the vans know the deep dark truth behind their too burnt offerings masquerading as coffee. But what this really is kiddos is a lesson in living design. After you create something, such as a brand identity and then you start to see that brand...