Espresso Brava Sea Salt – Fusion ®

Espresso Brava Sea Salt – Fusion ®

  Espresso Brava Sea Salt – Fusion ®. Yup this is salt infused with espresso. Sea Salt. Have I tried it? Nope… Do I want to?  Yup! it makes a good case for itself. And I do use coffee and espresso in dessert baking and steak grilling why not marry two...
This is Halloween

This is Halloween

Spooky Lights, creeping ghouls and lots of candy are the reason for the season.  Marilyn  Manson just seems to be made for this holiday.Why not marry them both in a  grotesquely  awesome light show? The Tech Behind this creation blows my mind. I know it isn’t...
Assassin’s Creed Killer Tech

Assassin’s Creed Killer Tech

I love the Assassin’s  Creed Games. And the latest to hit the shelves at the end of this month is looking mighty nifty in it’s own right. Set in the American Revolutionary war this game has flintlock rifles, Naval  battles  and Cannons aplenty. Richard...
Carving a pumpkin, with a handgun

Carving a pumpkin, with a handgun

Yup… just your average day, with an average man carving a pumpkin with a handgun… nothing more to see here. Man carves not one but TWO faces in record time. USA, USA. See this is why people need the internet. Happiness is a warm gourd, and a loaded...
Hungry Printer?

Hungry Printer?

Yup. We’ve been having some good fun over in the office. You know working on plotters, fixing laser cutters… And Avoiding the printer. because it has been giving us sidelong glances all day and saying things like FEED me. If you want to know how it...