by Paul Muller | Food n Coffee
Serious Ze Frank is both a wizard and a genius. Here is the complete guide to trading Halloween Candy… Boom… thats it… go home, or to the next house There are just too many hilarious comments and quips to keep track of… So ENJOY!
by Paul Muller | Food n Coffee
Seriously coffee’s best friend on a crisp fall afternoon. Ginger snaps, spice cookies or the crowd pleaser… Chocolate chip cookies… My fall addiction. Not very waist friendly but oh so tasty for a sometimes food. If you aren’t dunking you...
by Paul Muller | Food n Coffee, Review
The fine folks at Booskerdoo Coffee were nice enough to ship a second sample of coffee to me as well. If you missed the first go round, check out the review of Black and Tan, the unbelievable checkerboard roasted coffee, but today’s selection is the Jersey...
by Paul Muller | Food n Coffee, Review
Booskerdoo Coffee claims to be The earth’s best coffees roasted to order. And they recently gifted me with a sample of the Black and Tan Organic Fair trade Coffee. Lovingly roasted in / on their Dietrich in the store. Let me tell you I love the smell of true...